Posts tagged medicine
Novel Coronavirus Response Must Include Affordable, Equal Access to Treatment for ALL (by Yasmin Canales)

Last week Little Lobbyists joined Senator Van Hollen, Representatives Schkowsky, DeLauro and Doggett, Moms Rising and Lower Drug Prices Now for a press conference on Capitol Hill to demand that any vaccine or treatment developed for the novel coronavirus be affordable and accessible to ALL Americans. Little Lobbyists Yasmin Canales spoke on our behalf, her speech is below:


My name is Yasmin Canales and I am member of Little Lobbyists, an organization who advocates for kids with complex medical needs and disabilities. I am a high school senior, just accepted into my top 2 choices for college. I love swimming, work as a lifeguard, and am a youth group leader with a passion for sharing my faith. I was also born with a genetic disease called Cystic Fibrosis, which affects all my organs, but especially my respiratory and digestive systems. Since birth, I have had over 30 hospitalizations for weeks at a time as well as 15 surgeries. I take 21 different medications, including over 35 pills daily, and 2-4 hours of intense respiratory therapies. 

The medicines I need to stay alive cost over $23,000 for one month. Many of these drugs are so expensive because the companies that make them have a monopoly, allowing them to set prices as high as they want. It is extremely frustrating to know our public tax dollars fund much of the research for these medicines, but we can’t afford them because private pharmaceutical corporations are allowed to inflate prices to pad their profits. 

Regarding the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, the administration has said they won't promise a vaccine will be available or affordable for everyone, because pharmaceutical companies need to make money. But 27 million Americans are uninsured, 34 million working people have no paid sick days, and we are in contact with one another every day. Affordable, equal access to ALL for any treatment or vaccine for the novel coronavirus is of the utmost importance to me. My compromised immune system and my lowered lung function will not be able to fight off this novel virus, and I might die if access is denied to myself or those around me. When the virus spreads into my community, my life and the lives of people like myself and many other children with complex medical needs, is on the line.

The availability of a future vaccine or treatment for this global pandemic should not be in question. There is currently a provision in the Affordable Care Act mandating all federally recommended vaccines be provided at no cost. Public taxpayer funds have already gone into coronavirus research - we’ve already paid for it and we should be guaranteed affordable access. 

There are things more important than profits, like our health. I want to thank Senator Van Hollen and Representatives Schkowsky and Doggett for holding the Administration accountable by saying no monopoly for coronavirus drugs. The safety of every American, of every person we love, in the face of this global pandemic should be everyone's top priority - especially our government's.

Medicine is only life saving if we can afford it. (by Tasha Nelson)

My name is Tasha Nelson and I want to talk to you about my amazing son Jack.

Jack is a spirited, funny and imaginative 8 year old. He has a passion for Marshmello, video games, extreme weather and the Titanic. He sings in our local children's choir, is on our neighborhood swim team, and enjoys being  a cub scout. He is a little boy who loves music and science. If you ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, hell tell you “a DJ like Marhsmello that is also a doctor who cures cancer”. 

My little DJ-Doctor Jack was born and lives with a disease called Cystic Fibrosis. While this is thought of primarily as a lung disease, the truth is it affects nearly every major organ and system of his body. At one month old, Jack received this diagnosis and the first of what would become one of many daily life saving medications. This medication allowed him to digest food, something he had failed to do every day since he was born. The price tag on that medication? I was responsible for $240 per month.

 At 3 months old, Jack required another medication vital to his life. His mucous had become so thick in his sinuses that it was the consistency of chewing gum, and he struggled to breathe. His doctor prescribed a new daily medication that would help him breathe. 

My baby was struggling to breathe, and we had a solution available but the doctor told me that we would need a prior authorization from our insurance in order to fill the prescription. I called my insurance to ask how long this would take and was told 7-10 days if approved. IF approved. My baby needed to breathe and I was being told it may or not be approved for 7-10 days. AND the price tag on that medication?  I was responsible for $1,200 per month. 

As Jack ages, his disease requires him to take more and more medicine. New innovations in research and development are resulting in some extraordinary medications that have an even more extraordinary price tag. The median cost of medications for a person living with Cystic Fibrosis in the United States is nearly half a million dollars a year. Depending on your insurance plan, the cost to your family can vary anywhere from several hundred dollars per month to thousands. This is for life-saving medication, and I don’t think my son’s life should have a price tag. 

Every single day families like mine sell our things online or in yard sales, or start go-fund-me campaigns in an attempt to afford the medications our babies need. We do everything we can to avoid medical bankruptcy. We do everything we can to get the medication that keeps our kids alive.

What do we need to fix this broken system and change it to promote the well being of our chronically ill, rare disease, and disabled populations? We need formularies to no longer exist. We need prior authorizations to no longer exist.  We need innovation, research and development of new medications to continue, but the cost cannot be bankrupting families that are doing everything they can to keep their babies alive. A medication is only life-saving in use if it is accessible to the patient. If I can’t afford it, Jack can’t benefit from it. 

Children like Jack need their government to stand up to pharmaceutical manufacturers, pharmacy benefit managers, and insurance companies and say NO MORE. NO MORE will pharmaceutical companies continue to prioritize bloated corporate profits over patient lives. My son Jack, and all of the children like him, deserve better.

[image description: Little Lobbyists mom and director of operations, Tasha Nelson, speaking at the podium of a press conference for affordable pharmaceuticals.]

[image description: Little Lobbyists mom and director of operations, Tasha Nelson, speaking at the podium of a press conference for affordable pharmaceuticals.]

These remarks were given on September 25, 2019 at a press conference on Affordable Pharmaceuticals with Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Keep Health Care in Mind When You Vote (by Jodi Aleshire)

It's the eleven year anniversary of my diabetes diagnosis and the government still wants me dead!

My brand of insulin costs $340 if I were to be uninsured. That's $0.34 a unit. A unit is ONE HUNDREDTH of a mL. If something seems wrong about that to you, that's because it is. (1)

Technological advances has increased to the point where human and analog insulin can be produced for under SEVEN DOLLARS a vial. For anyone following along at home, that's a nearly 5,000% increase in cost. (2)

It's estimated by the World Health Organization that the average diabetic will use 40 units of insulin a day. At the current price point, without decent health insurance, living a single day costs about $14. A week $95. A month $432. A year comes in at just under $5,000. (1)

There are no "generic" insulin brands on the market, no older options like "pork" or "beef," so to say, animal-based insulins, available in the United States any longer. This is due to "evergreening," a technique used by the big three insulin producers (Sanofi, Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk) slightly tweaking the formulas for their insulin before their patents can expire, thus extending the patent. (3, 4)

That's why a drug that has been around since the 1920s is still so expensive. While, yes, progress has obviously been made, the Big 3 have slowed the process of change, with Sanofi filing a lawsuit against two producers, Merck and Mylan, from introducing a generic form of Sanofi's primary insulin. (4)

Now, you may be saying "if it costs so much, just suck it up and get health insurance. It's not the government's fault that you don't -" yeah, I’m gonna need you to stop. Because this is where the issue of Big Pharma and the American government's lax health care collide.

This past year, TWENTY STATES filed a lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act (which in March of 2010 made it so that insurance companies couldn't penalize those of us with preexisting conditions by refusing us health care) that moved to revoke the protections in place for us. Texas vs Azar went so far as to say that the protection placed on pre-existing conditions was "unconstitutional." I guess they missed the "life" part of that whole "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" bit. (5)

Not only have legislators tried to take away something that keeps people with pre-existing conditions from, often, a painful, PREVENTABLE death, we've had to watch them mock us in the media. Mo Brooks (R-AL) decided that we simply weren't "living the right way." Or Mick Mulvaney (Officer of Budget and Management for the Trump Administration) declaring "that doesn’t mean that we want to take care of the person, or should be required to take care of the person, who sits home, drinks Coca-Cola, no offense, drinks sugary drinks, and doesn’t exercise, and eats poorly and gets diabetes." Which not only shows a fundamental lack of knowledge on diabetes, but a lack of empathy as well. (6, 7)

While the ACA has yet to be repealed, the window to apply for insurance through the ACA has been shortened from 90 days to 45 days and the awareness budget has been slashed by 90%. Now, there's also the option for Medicaid, which at base-country wide level, will offer coverage if you're under the 138% poverty mark- with individual states having the option to expand coverage to under that point.

I make under $9,000 a year and I only fall at the 73% poverty point, to help put things into perspective. And a basic plan at that rate, without Medicaid, runs on the national average (for me, a single household 21 year old nonsmoker) between $230 and $370 dollars. That's more than my rent if you were curious. (8)

All this to say, health insurance, even with aid, still isn't cheap. And when the cost of insulin is so high, there are still out of pocket charges you have to pay monthly. I know diabetics who have gone without insulin because they just can't afford it; they can't afford insulin; they're trying to save their parents' money. (9)

Diabetes affects over 30 million Americans, with 1.2 million having Type 1 specifically. There are, on average, 1.5 million new cases diagnosed each year. In 2017, the nationwide total cost of diagnosed diabetes came in at 327 BILLION dollars. It comes as no surprise that diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in America. (10)

I'm 21 years old, and today, I've been diabetic for eleven years. The average life expectancy for a Type 1 diabetic is 15 years shorter than that of the average person. For a woman in the United States, the average is 81. (11)

That means for me, that average is 66. According to statistics, I've got 45 years left. And I'll be damned if the government takes a single year of it.

So do me a favor for my anniversary, keep health care in mind when you vote.

The author of this post, Jodi Aleshire

The author of this post, Jodi Aleshire