Our Kids Won't Just "Get Over It": An Open Letter Missouri's Governor (by Julie Kauffman)
Olive wearing her mask
Dear Governor Parson,
I wanted to take a moment to respond to a recent interview you did regarding children returning to school during the COVID-19 pandemic. You stated that when kids go back to school they would get COVID-19 and they would all “get over it.”
My daughter Olive is six years old and is supposed to start first grade next month. She absolutely loved kindergarten, especially being around her peers. Olive is considered medically complex. She has Cerebral Palsy, as well as complications with her airway and Reactive Airway Disease--all caused by a virus, mind you. Children with neurological issues are the ones dying from COVID-19. My child will not “get over it.”
On March 9th, we pulled our daughter out of school. That was two weeks before her district closed down; we followed the advice from our medical team. Olive has been at home with us since then. She’s not been around her friends or extended family, not been to a restaurant or store since then. And when we do have to go out for doctor appointments, she wears her mask like a trooper. To keep a child isolated who loves other kids so much has been harder than you can imagine. You tout yourself as pro-life. Does my child’s life not matter?
As the Governor of Missouri you are expected to lead our state. During the pandemic I’ve seen very little of you leading and more of you following misguided opinions from other Republican politicians about COVID-19. You say that most people in the state are smart enough to figure out how to stay safe without mask mandates. Really, Governor? Because until very recently you were parading around the state without a mask in sight. We are fortunate to live in St. Louis where city and county officials are doing your job for you. Missouri is seeing an uptick in cases, yet we are one of the few states that doesn’t have a statewide mask mandate.
Your remarks were so off-base and so callous. You said that all kids would get COVID once schools started back, but that we have to re-open schools. How are we as parents supposed to feel? What about teachers or school support staff? If you had taken action months ago, we could have been over this! Instead you sat back and did nothing, and expected us to risk our kids as collateral damage in your efforts to please the president. You have the opportunity now, four months later, to start acting like a leader and help Missourians out of this pandemic. It’s time to listen to science and medical experts and do your job.
Put your mask on, Governor.
Julie Kauffman (Olive’s mom)
Julie Kauffman is a new member of the stay-at-home-moms/homeschooling club, thanks to COVID-19. She lives in St. Louis with her husband, daughter, and two dogs. Her mission is to ensure the life her daughter fought so hard for is filled with inclusion, accessibility, and happiness.