Little Lobbyists' Top 10 of 2021
#1 Vaccines!
Vaccinations for COVID-19 began to roll out at the beginning of the year and we’ve worked hard to raise awareness and advocate for all our kids to be protected. We’re hoping shots for our littlest lobbyists and boosters for big kids will be available soon. Please keep doing all you can to protect yourself, your family, and all of us - wear a mask, get vaccinated and boosted as soon as you can! To learn more, visit
In the photo: Little Lobbyists Simon gets his COVID-19 vaccine!
#2 Virtual Meetings, Real Advocacy!
We love introducing legislators to our kids, and COVID didn’t change that. Like so many others, we took our work online and are continuing to make sure kids with complex medical needs and disabilities have a seat at the (virtual) table.
In the photo: Little Lobbyists Taryn and her mom Dawn meet with Senator Sinema and her Team.
#3 Congressional Testimony!
The American Rescue Plan included many provisions to help all our families, like the Child Tax Credit, funding for home and community based services for people with disabilities, and subsidies to make health insurance more affordable. Our Director of Communications, Laura LeBrun Hatcher, was invited to testify in the House of Representatives to explain why these provisions are so important, and why they must be made permanent.
In the photo: Little Lobbyists Simon’s mom and Director of Communications Laura LeBrun Hatcher provides testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives.
#4 Celebrating the Americans with Disabilities Act!
This year the ADA turned 31 and Little Lobbyists Executive Director Elena Hung was invited to a celebration marking the occasion in the White House Rose Garden. At the event, President Biden acknowledged that there is still much work needed to remove barriers to freedom and equality for Americans with disabilities and he affirmed his administration's commitment to advancing Disability Rights. Watch the ceremony here.
In the photo: The president surrounded by the Vice President, disability advocates, Speaker Pelosi and other leaders mark the anniversary of the ADA.
#5 Meeting with the Vice President!
Twice this year, Little Lobbyists had the opportunity to meet with Vice President Kamala Harris to represent our families and discuss what our children with complex medical needs and disabilities need to survive and thrive. Communications Director Laura LeBrun Hatcher joined the Vice President at an event celebrating the Affordable Care Act and Little Lobbyists Claire’s mom Jamie Davis Smith sat down with the Vice President at her own kitchen table to discuss the importance of caregiving. Read Jamie’s account of her experience here.
In the photo: Vice President Kamala Harris sitting at the kitchen table for a conversation on caregiving with Little Lobbyists Claire’s mom Jaime Davis Smith.
#6 Care Can’t Wait!
President Biden’s agenda calls for a major investment in our country’s infrastructure — including social spending on health care, education, and caregiving as part of the critical foundation our country must support to remain strong. The social infrastructure bill is called the Build Back Better Act. Working closely with Senator Casey and Representative Dingell, Little Lobbyists provided input on the policies and funding our loved ones with complex medical needs and disabilities need to thrive at home instead of being forced into dangerous institutions. For the past several months we’ve advocated alongside many other organizations to get this historic legislation passed because for our families ”Care Can’t Wait!” To learn more, visit
In the photo: Activists lit up the night with “Care Can’t Wait” signs in front of the Capitol following a 24 hour rally.
#7 Powerful Partnerships!
In a year full of historic challenges and opportunities, we worked collaboratively with several organizations to advocate for the passage of the Build Back Better Act including: the Arc, Be A Hero, the American Association of People with Disabilities, the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, Caring Across Generations, the Center for American Progress, MomsRising, the National Domestic Workers Alliance, SEIU, and many more. In addition, we partnered closely with Ady Barkan’s organization Be A Hero to help share our families’ stories about the importance of home and community based services on a national platform.
In the photo: Director of Community Engagement and Little Lobbyists Sara and Emma’s mom Stacy Staggs shared her family’s story nationally through our partnership with Be A Hero.
#8 A “mom to mom” conversation with a U.S. Senator!
Executive Director Elena Hung had a mom to mom conversation with Senator Maggie Hassan. Elena and the Senator were both led to national advocacy through their experience as parents and caregivers of disabled children. They discussed the importance of Medicaid home and community based services and the policies we need to ensure our children have the civil rights they deserve. Watch the video here.
In the photo: A screen shot from the video call between Senator Hassan and Little Lobbyists Xiomara’s mom and Executive Director Elena Hung.
#9 The Build Back Better Act passed the House!
The Build Back Better Act includes historic investments in home and community based services, access to health care, education, childcare, paid leave, lower drug costs, and more that our families need. Our Executive Director Elena Hung was invited to the White House with a small group of disability advocates to support the final push to the House vote. Our work to get this bill passed is far from over – the legislation is currently in the Senate and intense advocacy will be needed to get it over the finish line.
In the photo: Disability rights leaders, including our Executive Director Elena Hung, with a White House Associate Director beside the White House.
#10 Little Lobbyists are invited to the White House!
We work hard but also remember to take time to celebrate. At the invitation of the President and the First Lady, we spent some time viewing the beautiful holiday decor at the People’s House. Masks were worn and social distancing observed, but the lights shined just as bright. We appreciated the care taken by the Administration to ensure this year’s subdued holiday celebrations were as COVID safe as possible ahead of the Omicron surge.
In the photo: Members of the Little Lobbyists team, Elena Hung, Laura LeBrun Hatcher, and Jeneva Burroughs Stone stand in front of a stairway lit with candles leading to a festively decorated entrance to the White House before they tour the holiday decor.
In the coming year, Little Lobbyists will keep showing up to represent our families and make sure ALL kids with complex medical needs and disabilities have a seat at the table to inform the policies that affect them. To be a part of our ongoing advocacy, follow us on social media, share your story with us, and if you can, please consider donating to support our family-led and volunteer-powered work.
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2022!