

Aire, age 8, Virginia

Meet Aire. Aire is a funny, sensitive, smart guy. He is Neurodivergent and has an underdeveloped immune system and severe allergies. He relies on treatments to strengthen his immune system and control his allergies. Access to occupational, physical, psychological, and speech therapy helps him fully participate in school or community activities.

Aire’s mom Walewska says: "When Aire received his Autism Spectrum diagnosis at age 3, I was worried that this pre-existing condition would disqualify him from or price him out of health care coverage. I quickly learned about the affordability and anti-discrimination measures that would protect my son from outright coverage denials, excessive premiums or deductibles, and lifetime caps. Even with these protections, accessing appropriate medical and therapeutic care can become cost-intensive. Without them, Aire would be unable to access the care he needs to thrive in and contribute to school and community activities to the same extent as neurotypical children without pre-existing medical conditions.”

Submitted by Walewska, Aire’s mom.