

Age 10, Virginia

Meet Jonah. Jonah is a big Star Wars fan, alongside his dad and twin brother. He loves Disney music and movies, Taylor Swift and KidzBop songs. Jonah also has multiple diagnosis’ which include: traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, cortical vision impairment, chronic lung disease, GERD, and an immunodeficiency disorder. Jonah enjoys going to school and being in his community IDEA protects Jonah’s right to have equal access to a public education. The ADA ensures public spaces are accessible to him and his wheelchair.

Jonah loves to be with is family and Medicaid helps him live at home with them. Jonah’s mom, Michelle says: “Jonah’s medical needs easily exceed the limits of what private insurance is willing to provide. Medicaid provides daily nursing that helps with Jonah’s day-to-day care and allows his parents to have employment. Cuts to important programs like Medicare and a Medicaid will result in children like Jonah – who have multiple disabilities and involved health conditions – losing the freedoms they have now, like living in their own homes and participating in their communities.”

Submitted by Michelle, Jonah’s mother.